Code of Ethics Policy

I. Reason for Policy

University of Redlands prides itself on maintaining high ethical standards in all dealings with the business community, the public, the Redlands community, students, employees, and alumni. In order to formalize the institution's commitment to these critical ethical standards, the Board of Trustees has adopted the following Code of Ethics Policy (formally referred to as Code of Conduct & Business Ethics).

This Code of Ethics Policy does not summarize all of the University’s policies. Every employee must also comply with all other policies set out in the Personnel Policies & Procedures Manual, Faculty Handbook and other policy documents, as appropriate.

II. Applicability and Scope

1) Individual Responsibility. As a University of Redlands employee, you have an individual responsibility to deal ethically in all aspects of your work and to comply fully with all laws, regulations, and policies. You are expected to assume the responsibility for applying these standards of ethical conduct and for acquainting yourself with the various laws, regulations, and policies applicable to your assigned duties. University administration, department heads, and others in supervisory positions must assume responsibility for ensuring that their conduct and the conduct of those they supervise complies with this Code. If you are ever unsure about the legal course of action, please immediately request assistance from the Office of Business & Finance. However, no one at University of Redlands is authorized to instruct you to engage in any illegal activities under any circumstances.

2) Confidentiality. The University is entrusted with many kinds of confidential, proprietary, and private information regarding members of the Redlands community, the University, and its business dealings. It is imperative that those who have access to this information do not make any unauthorized disclosures of the information, either during or after employment.

Records containing personal data of employees and students are confidential. They are to be carefully safeguarded and kept current, relevant, and accurate. They should be disclosed only to authorized personnel having a “need to know” or pursuant to lawful process as approved by the Office of Human Resources, the Office of Business & Finance or the Board of Trustees.

3) Honesty and Fairness. University of Redlands expects from each of its employees honesty and fairness in dealing with others. You are expected to accept responsibility for your actions and to report information accurately to fellow employees and supervisors. Supervisors have a responsibility to set examples of honesty and fairness in their relationships with their employees.

4) University Records. All University records and other essential data must be prepared accurately. Preparing an intentionally false or misleading report or record of measurement is considered a serious offense.

5) Government Corrupt Practices. You are strictly prohibited from giving governmental officials business gratuities or gifts. You should be aware that the U.S. government can and has imposed criminal sanctions on individuals and entities that have improperly given gifts to U.S. government personnel, and the promise, offer, or delivery to an official or employee of the U.S. government of a gift or other gratuity would not only violate University policies, but might also be a criminal offense.

6) Honesty and Fair Dealing. University of Redlands aims to meet its goals honestly and fairly, and seeks advantages through superior performance, hard work, and intellectual skill. The University believes that strong competition is the cornerstone of its economy and that unethical or illegal business practices have no part in this competition. The University strives in all instances to deal fairly with its customers, suppliers, alumni, competitors, officers, employees, and students and their families.

7) Reporting Requirements. From time to time, University of Redlands is required to report matters to public or government agencies. Whether or not you are directly involved in that process, you have several responsibilities:

  • Depending upon your position, the University may ask you to provide information to ensure that University reports are complete, fair, and understandable. You are expected to provide prompt, accurate answers to inquiries related to all public disclosure requirements.
  • All University accounts, financial reports, tax returns, expense reimbursements, time sheets, and other documents, including those submitted to government agencies, must be accurate, clear, and complete. All entries in the University’s records, including departmental accounts and individual expense reports, must accurately reflect each transaction. The University’s books, records, accounts, and financial statements must conform to generally accepted accounting principles, to applicable legal requirements, and to the University’s system of internal controls. Any funds or assets under the University’s control must be recorded in the general ledger. Additionally, records should always be retained or destroyed consistent with the current record retention practices. In accordance with University policies, in the event of litigation or governmental investigation, please consult the Office of Business & Finance immediately.
  • The University’s public reports should fairly and accurately reflect the state of the University. If you believe they do not, you have a responsibility to bring your concerns to the University’s attention by reporting your concerns on the University’s Confidential Reporting System, EthicsPoint, at

Due to of the importance of this issue, the Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees has adopted a policy that requires every employee of the University of Redlands who has any concerns about the manner in which the University’s financial statements or public reports are prepared, the sufficiency of its internal financial controls, the honesty or competence of its financial management or independent auditors to report the matter promptly the using University’s Confidential Reporting System, EthicsPoint at The EthicsPoint Confidential Reporting System will keep the name of the person reporting the potential issue confidential. The University and the Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees will not tolerate retaliation against any person who reports potential issues to the Confidential Reporting System in “good faith.”

8) Conflict of Interest. Each employee should be sensitive to situations that could raise questions of potential or apparent conflicts between personal interests and the University’s interests. A “conflict of interest” exists whenever your private interests interfere or conflict in any way (or even appear to interfere or conflict) with the University’s interests. A conflict of interest can arise when you take actions or have interests that may make it difficult to perform your work for the University objectively and effectively. A conflict of interest may also arise when you, or members of your family, receive improper personal benefits as a result of your position with the University, regardless of the source of those benefits.

As examples, it is a conflict of interest for you or a member of your immediate family to:

  • Receive any form of compensation from any person with whom the University is doing business;
  • Accept gifts of “significant value” from any person with whom the University is doing business. Gift values in excess of $100 are considered significant;
  • Own an interest in any supplier to the University without proper disclosure. Mandatory disclosure of the relationship must be made in writing to the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration;
  • Take personally business opportunities that properly belong to University of Redlands discovered through the use of its tangible or intangible property, confidential information, or your position with it; or
  • Use the University’s tangible or intangible property, confidential information, or your position with the University for personal gain.

Many times, the best policy will be to avoid any direct or indirect business connection with the University’s customers, suppliers, or competitors, except on its behalf. However, if you think you might have a conflict of interest, you should promptly disclose that conflict to the Office of Business & Finance, regardless of how “natural” or “innocent” the conflict may seem. In that way, the University can determine whether it believes you can proceed despite any conflict, in which case you will receive a written authorization from either the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration or the President. However, until you receive such a written approval, you may not proceed with any “conflict of interest.” See Conflict of Interest Policy for specific requirements for disclosure and reporting procedures.

If you become aware of an unapproved conflict of interest on the part of anyone at the University, you must report it to the University’s Confidential Reporting System, EthicsPoint, at

9) Use of University Resources. You have a responsibility to use University resources, including time, materials, and equipment, for business purposes only. You may not use University property (such as grounds, buildings, office equipment and systems, tools, materials, assets, and facilities) for anything other than University purposes. University property shall not be sold, loaned, given away, intentionally damaged, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of, regardless of condition or value, without proper authorization. Copyright or otherwise licensed material (including books, articles, computer software programs and tapes) should not be infringed.

University of Redlands is a nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue Code. As a nonprofit, the University receives donations from a wide variety of individuals, corporations, and foundations. All University personnel have a responsibility to use such funds prudently, ethically, and for the purposes for which they are designated. In order to honor donors’ intentions, and to protect the University’s not-for-profit status, employees and student organizations using student activity fees and/or profits from University-related student-operated business may not:

  • Make donations with University funds or assets to other nonprofit and/or charitable organizations;
  • Use University funds (from budgets, student fee allocations, “profits” from University-sponsored, student-operated businesses) for fund-raising purposes for other nonprofits/charities.

University of Redlands enthusiastically encourages its employees to directly support charities or non-profit organizations of their own choice. However, employees should not engage in fund-raising for other nonprofit and/or charitable organizations during business hours.

10) Reporting Any Illegal or Unethical Behavior. If you ever think that anyone connected with the University may have taken, or is about to take, any illegal or unethical behavior, or has otherwise violated this Code, you should promptly report the incident on the University’s Confidential Reporting System, EthicsPoint, at or by phoning 866-384-4277.

11) No Retaliation. The University will not tolerate retaliation of any kind against any person who in good faith reports to the University potential issues relating to violations of law or this Code by another party or parties.

12) Consequences of Violations of Redlands’ Policies. You are responsible for ensuring that your own conduct and the conduct of anyone reporting to you fully comply with this Code and with the University of Redlands’ policies. Violations will result in the taking of appropriate disciplinary action up to and including discharge from employment. Disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the procedures applicable to faculty or staff, as the case may be. Conduct representing a violation of this Code may, in some circumstances, also subject you to civil or criminal charges and penalties.

If you are ever unsure about whether some action or situation would be consistent with this Code of Ethics, or if you encounter a situation and you are unsure what to do, you should discuss it with your supervisor or an appropriate officer of the University before taking further action.